Tuesday 10 February 2015


Tomorrow is the vow of silence.  This day means a lot to me because it allows others to understand how people feel when their voice is taken from them.

In my grade 7 year I went about 3 months without a voice at school. And by that I mean that whenever anyone would try to talk to me I would not respond at all. I would not make any hand gestures or facial expressions; just this blank look on my face. Many people would try to talk to me and I wouldn't respond. Soon they would give up and I felt like no one understood. I felt like everyone hated me because I was self-centred or arrogant. I still have these days today and I don't think I will ever stop. 

Tomorrow we have to wear a mask to show that we are a part of the vow of silence. I have mixed feelings on that part. When I was silent I did not present my self and say to everyone HEY LOOK AT ME I'M NOT TALKING.  However, me being silenced was kind of like a shield or mask. It protected me and made me think that maybe if I don't speak everyone won't hate me. I realize now that this just made it worse. 


"What doesent kill you makes you stronger"
